
AI for OCT

Empowering Optometrists

Benefits for Optometrists

  • Faster OCT examination

    Optometrists don't waste time on non-pathological scans

  • Created by retina experts

    Supervised by the Ph.D. in Ophthalmology

  • No minor, early, rare pathologies missed

    Higher diagnostic standards with AI for eye care

  • AI helping with controversial scans

    No guessing with diagnostics

  • Scientifically based opinion

    The opinion based on 5 mln. scans analysis

Awards and video review

Our proficiency is proved by reputable organizations

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  • Reviews on Our Products

    What eye care specialists think

  • Hashim Ali Khan

    OD, FAAO

    Altris Education OCT is the best ever app (resource) on OCT education. I was stunned with the quality of material, presentation and interpretation and most of all the segmentation of lesions

  • Christina Chan

    OD, Komoka optometry owner

    Altris Education OCT is an excellent app, I don't use it enough!

  • Marta Shchur

    Medical Director at Luxzir Ophthalmic Clinic

    Altris AI for eye care helps our eye care specialists to avoid mistakes and feel more confident with diagnostic decision-making. Definitely less guessing! Moreover, the examination goes faster so we can now have more patients.

  • Oleksandra Zemliak

    Ophthalmologist at Luxvision

    Altris Education OCT is a great helpful app for any ophthalmologist!

Read all testimonials

How it works?

Altris AI for eye care helps optometrists in diagnostics

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Altris AI is a web platform for ophthalmic medical image analysis. It was created by a team of retina experts on the basis of 5 mln OCT scans obtained in 11 ophthalmic clinics. At the moment, the system can

  • differentiate between pathological and non-pathological scans within a minute
  • detect 70+ pathologies and pathological signs
  • assist with decision making

Maria Znamenska, Ph.D Ophthalmology, Chief Medical Officer

Starting a new era of OCT interpretation is our goal at Altris Inc.  That is why we have created the ecosystem of products for optometrists: Altris AI ( AI-powered ophthalmic image management system) and Altris Education OCT (a free mobile app for OCT interpretation education).

Here we would like to tell you more about Altris Education OCT mobile app. It is interactive, free, and available anytime and anywhere. Altris Education OCT in numbers:

  • 1.000.000+ OCT scans
  • 2 Retina Experts label each scan
  • 15.000+ eye care specialists in the community
  • 70+ pathological signs and pathologies

Altris Education OCT

As for Altris AI, it is the web application that improves the level of confidence and the quality of service for any single optometrist by bringing AI to the OCT scan analysis.

  • 65% of eye care specialists come across controversial scans 3 times a week on average. ​With Altris AI, the problem of controversial scans is solved once and for all.
  • 25% of eye care specialists miss minor/early/rare pathologies 3 times a week on average.​ ​31% of eye care specialists even don’t know if they miss them. ​With Altris AI for eye care, all optometrists will be sure they won’t miss any pathologies.
  • 16% of eye care specialists are not sure about their OCT interpretation skills and don’t offer OCT examinations. This will never be the case with Altris AI for eye care.

Altris AI has 3 basic modules: screening, analysis, and reporting.

In the screening, optometrists can separate pathological from non-pathological B-scans within 1 minute. They can also explore any scan in a number of ways (comparing 2 scans, analyzing it from a historical perspective). 

The analysis module allows for defining even minor  & rare pathologies or pathologies at an early stage. 70+ pathologies and pathological signs can be detected as of today.  In the reporting mode, Altris AI provides optometrists with more comprehensive and visual OCT reports, helping them offer high-quality service to their clients. 


Check how AI for OCT really works